Use the NEW Find Your Fit Meal Plan Tool to explore the best meal plans for you!

How Can I Order My Meal Plan?

Residential students, other than those living in Owen Hall, are automatically assigned the All Access Plus plan when they complete their housing contract. Students who prefer a weekly meal plan have the option to switch to either the Social Lite or Master Mix plan during the first week of classes.

Non-residential students and students living in Owen Hall can purchase Block Meal Plans online by creating a CampusDish account on the Dining Services website. Meal plan purchases can also be made through UNG Card Services located on the third floor of the Hoag Student Center. Please call 706-864-1404 for more information.

If you would like to order online:
1. Go to and create a CampusDish account using your official UNG.EDU email address.
2. Go to the Meal Plans page and scroll down to the Block Meal Plans.
3. Select a meal plan that works best for you and add it to the cart.
4. Check out.

Please allow one business day for all changes to reflect on your Nighthawks Card.

Can I Change My Meal Plan?

Block meal plans cannot be changed during the semester period. Residential meal plan changes can be completed in Banner or by visiting the Business Office located in the Downtown Office Building, Suite 203 or by calling 706-864-1409. If you utilize Banner to change your meal plan, it is advised that you notify the Business Office of the change. A residential meal plan change is permitted ONCE per semester, which can be done during the first week of classes. Changes will not be accepted after this week.

How Do I access my Meal Swipes or Dining Dollars?

Meal Swipes and Dining Dollars will be loaded onto your Nighthawks Card.

How Do I view my Meal Swipes or Dining Dollar usage & balances? 

Meal Swipes and Dining Dollars can be viewed on the student’s Banner account.

Where Can I Use My Meal Swipes? 

Meal Swipes refer to how many times you can enter the UNG Dining Hall. One meal swipe will gain you entry into the Dining Hall, our all-you-care-to-eat location with a variety of meal options all in one place. A student can substitute ONE meal swipe per day when using their Meal Exchange at Twisted Taco, Einstein Bros Bagels and Java City. The Meal Exchange option is only applicable with select meal plans.

How Do Dining Dollars Work? 

Dining Dollars work like a declining balance allotment for food on campus. They are attached to your student ID card and are accepted at all UNG Dining locations in a dollar for dollar transaction. Most meal plans come with an allocated amount of Dining Dollars.

Will my Meal Plan and Dining Dollars auto renew for next semester? 

Residential Meal Plans are annual contracts and are billed per academic term. The All Access plan will automatically be rebilled for the next semester. However, a student can change plans to whichever plan is better for them through their Banner account.

Will Meals Swipes and Dining Dollars expire or roll-over from semester to semester? 

Meal Swipes do not roll-over. Unused Dining Dollars will be refunded through the student’s university refund preference at the end of each semester.