We are serving up good vibes for finals! It can be a challenging time but remember, you got this! 
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Use the NEW Find Your Fit Meal Plan Tool to explore the best meal plans for you!

All non-resident students and Owen Hall Residents may select from any one of these meal plans. Purchase online through your Campus Dish account or contact UNG Card Services at 706.864.1404.  Please allow one business day for the meal plan to be added to the students ID card. All Meal Plans and Dining Dollars expire at the end of the semester.

Meals swipes expire each semester and do not roll over to the next semester. Dining dollars will rollover from fall to spring semester, and at the end of the spring semester, accounts with dining dollar balances over $10.00 are refunded to the student account.

  • Block 100
    • 100 Meals per semester
    • $125 Dining Dollars
    • 1 meal exchange swipe per day
    • Meal exchange swipe = 1 meal swipe
  • Block 80
    • 80 Meals per semester
    • $125 Dining Dollars
    • 1 meal exchange swipe per day
    • Meal exchange swipe = 1 meal swipe
  • Block 50
    • 50 Meals per semester
    • $125 Dining Dollars
    • 1 meal exchange swipe per day
    • Meal exchange swipe = 1 meal swipe
  • Block 35
    • 35 Meals per semester
    • $75 Dining Dollars
    • 1 meal exchange swipe per day
    • Meal exchange swipe = 1 meal swipe
  • Block 20
    • 20 Meals per semester
    • 1 meal exchange swipe per day
    • Meal exchange swipe = 1 meal swipe

Need help with your meal plan?

Contact us and we’d be happy to assist you!