We are serving up good vibes for finals! It can be a challenging time but remember, you got this! 
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Use the NEW Find Your Fit Meal Plan Tool to explore the best meal plans for you!

Block 80
  • 80 Meals per semester
  • $125 Dining Dollars
  • 1 meal exchange swipe per day
  • Meal exchange swipe = 1 meal swipe

The Block 80 meal plan gives you 80 meals to use for the entire semester at our All-You-Care to eat dining hall. The Block 80 comes with $125 Dining Dollars to use at our retail locations.

All Meal Plans and Dining Dollars expire at the end of the semester.
Block Plans may be purchased online through your Campus Dish account. Please allow one business day for the meal plan to be added to the student’s ID card.
Additional block meal plans should not be purchased until prior meal plan has been used entirely.

All Access, Master Mix, & Social Lite plans can be purchased at the Campus Business office.

Block Plans can be purchased online, or at the UNG Card Services Office.

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